Green Dragon CVR
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Discord - The GreenDragonCVR Virtual Bar

Can’t make it to the bar tonight? Join us on Discord instead to share a drink, chat while gaming or participate remotely in our reading group. Contains various channels dedicated to everything from topical discussions of specific games to casual conversation.


 Special Events


Take part in special events to celebrate important video game releases, award shows and showcases like the Game Awards, Tokyo Game Show and Summer Game Fest. Flyers and sign-up links for upcoming events posted here.

Launch Party: Armored Core VI. Reserve your spot.


Reading Group 2022 - Join

We will meet every second Saturday at the bar [starting August] for a reading group intended to introduce participants to the nature & object of philosophy [metaphysics], according to the tradition stretching from Plato to Aquinas & his commentators. Our primary focus will be the questions: what is philosophy? What is Being? Competing systems (Zizek’s Hegelianism, Deleuze’s univocity, Rorty’s immanentism) will be assessed. Participation & sources free of charge.

Join our Discord server to access sources & further information


Live Gaming

Add us on your preferred platform

Video Game Streams

We regularly stream commentary-free to YouTube. Our channel typically features RPGs & Soulslikes. Streams begin ~10pm.


V Rising - 150+ hour base

Valheim Base - 300+ hour base

 Join Our Private Video Game Servers

We operate Valheim & V Rising servers from the bar (PvE only). Use the form below to request access.
