Nioh 2 does loot well
I can recycle dozens of drops with a button press (after organizing by any metric to easily identify/equip what I want atop a pile). With the resultant materials, I can produce (many rolls of) an updated set I actually desire. Imagine the money-grubbing perfidy this would be susceptible to if it had been made in the West.
For context, I just got back into the game after finishing Demon's Souls remake. Boy does it feel quick comparatively. And also damn punishing in a manner that has driven me to ramble philosophically in the past, but in a quick, narcotic, zippy way very different than the chundering sensation of DeS as one dies over and again.
Would definitely prefer no loot-based progression (Sekiro is my favorite entry in the genre no doubt). But preference aside, it's pretty astounding how well Team Ninja implemented this mechanic. I can just remake my Shinobi set with the mats from recycling main mission drops, and min max by doing so over and again for modest resources. Nice organic loop that treats drops as (potentially) raw material.