Two kinds of "repetition"
Bravely Default 2 is a beautiful game. It has exoconsistency[i] with genre peers: it instantiates a [transindividual, essentially-diverse,] ontology and historical trajectory, a vision of being (and distribution of difference) in its own novel gameplay-language. Its individual parts are peculiar even compared to its immediate predecessor by [some of the] same team [Octopath]. But the concept instantiated in those mechanical/tangible parts is transhistorical, trans-specific; its integral content simply IS the ontological vision above mentioned, narratively, categorically & mechanically unfolded. (This vision is cosmologically and socially [remarkably] traditional, almost reactionary. There is emanation from primordial, inhuman ontological fecundity [or primordial chaos[ii], a “premodern sexualized vision of the cosmos as the space of eternal struggle”[iii] between atomic elements, earth + fire + water + wind] unto arborified, hierarchical, speciated difference; speciation is violated, a shamanic hero of light restores the distribution of difference).
Current impressions of the Outriders demo invert this. Mechanically it appears we are in the presence of a bodily clone of too many progenitors to list (vs the new individual body of Bravely). Conceptually, instead of a novel expressions of a transindividual, polyvalent “form” as we find in JRPGs, we [again] encounter replicated tropes, consistent only in having been stitched together, animated by no dynamic [integral] intensity or essential form. A genetic replica of destiny apparently born without a soul (even Destiny accomplishes some decent mythopoesis behind the Hollywood voice actors and everstore).
The distinction to note is between a) repetition of a [polyvalent,] trans-individual, trans-categorical, internally-diverse[iv] pre-symbolic Thing/excess/leftover [no representation can exhaust[v]], an “excessive system linking difference with difference”[vi] and b) repetition of the same individual, univocal, closed circle of representation, "difference as a function of the identical"[vii], the subordination of difference and excess to sameness[viii], to a univocal counterfeit (related to a transindividual artistic “species” in the same way univocal counterfeits [“namely the particularised being of the sciences inferior to metaphysics, the vague being of common sense, the being divested of reality which is the subject of logic and the pseudo-being of a misconceived and decadent logic”] relate to polyvalent being[ix]).
Note these observations are provisional. We hope to uncover an attractive concept behind Outrider’s trope-buffet.
[i] Dint 22 (
[ii] ZS 315, 61 (
[iii] ZS 2
[iv] Deg 217+ (
[v] Zsub 85-6 (
[vi] Difr 115 (
[vii] Difr 263
[viii] Difr 115
[ix] Preface 42 (